I am sure you are enjoying WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, and all other messaging apps on your Android or iOS phone. Like Whatsapp telegram also introduce the Telegram web. It allows users to sync their mobile app of Telegram to the Desktop. So many users they don’t know how to log in on telegram web. It is not a big task you can just search web.telegram.org on google and simply log in with your mobile number. In most apps, we talk to our friends or colleagues, but sometimes we want to talk with strangers to have some fun in life. Actually, in talking to those persons who are not known and we share those things that we don’t want to share. So, I am writing some Android apps to talk with strangers on your device.

Best 5+ Stranger Chat Apps for Android

1. Skout: Meet, Chat, Go Live


Skout has 1 Million+ reviews on Google play store and it shows its publicity. Skout allows users to go live with their friends or in public mode also. So this is another interesting Android app to talk to strangers without knowing them. Just download Skout app and start Skouting with new friends and have some fun in your life.

Overview of Skout Android App

  • Developer: Skout Inc.
  • Rating: 4.2 / 5
  • Size: Varies with Devices

2. Qeep Dating App: Singles Chat, Flirt, Meet & Match

Stranger Chat Apps for Android
Stranger Chat Apps for Android

Qeep is another free and amazing app to talk with strangers. This app allows you to chat in single mode, flirt or match with others. Qeep app helps you to find singles in your area in a simple way. This app fulfills all your requirements and Qeep is also 100% free to use. There is nothing to pay for any features.

Overview of Qeep Dating App

  • Developer: Qeep app & Chatting App
  • Size: 25 MB
  • Rating: 4.2 / 5

3. Anonymous Chat – Stranger Chat

Stranger Chat Apps for Android
Stranger Chat Apps for Android

Stranger Chat is an anonymous random chat application where a user can comfortably talk with another party. You can share your candid story with someone anonymous. This app is 100% free to use and you don’t need to pay any fee in future.

Overview of Anonymous Chat App

  • Developer: Mugcat
  • Size:  5.4 MB
  • Rating: 3.3 / 5

4. Moco – Chat, Meet People

Stranger Chat Apps for Android

Moco is another Android app for talking with strangers around the world. You can talk with them, play with them and there are many things to do together to have more fun in life. Moco is also 100% free app that doesn’t ask for any fee. You can customize your chat themes, color, emojis and many more changes in the app.

Overview of Moco Android App

  • Developer: JNJ Mobile, Inc
  • Rating: 4.2 / 5
  • Size: Varies with the device

5. Whisper Chat App for Strangers

Stranger Chat Apps for Android

Whisper is another alternative to WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger apps. This app is a product of Whisper Text LLC. Whisper allows users to connect with new friends and to chat with some new people. Whisper says that he has 30 million+ users who use Whisper daily. So, if you are looking for new friends, must try this awesome app.

Overview of Whisper Android App

  • Developer: Whisper Text LLC
  • Rating: 4.1 / 5
  • Size: Varies on Devices

6. BeeTalk

Stranger Chat Apps for Android

Beetalk is a good alternative for the above apps. Beetalk app allows you to scan a radar for your area and it will find best friends/matches for you. Also, you can send messages to them and disappear afterward. There are many doodles and cure stickers available to be used. Overall, it is a very interesting and lovely app to talk with strangers in your area/region.

Overview of BeeTalk App

  • Developer: BeeTalk Private Ltd.
  • Rating: 4.1 / 5
  • Size: Varies on devices
Other Android Apps to Talk with Strangers

Wrapping up Best 20+ Stranger Chats App for Android

So, guys, there are the best 20+ android apps to talk with strangers in anonymous mode. You can download any app from the above list and enjoy. Most apps are free to use and have lots of fun and things to do. If you find any app helpful, don’t forget to share in a comment with your name.

Also, Read

Enable Facebook Messenger Secret Conversations


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