For all the Android users, Google have announced some of the major updates on their Input Method & Gesture. This update will make typing much easier. According to the source, the Android Input method will have an one hand mode.
To open the one hand mode press the “,” key.
One sad news is that, this update is not for all the Android device. This update is just for Nexus Devices, because phones like Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5 already have the similar feature. Not only that, this new Android Input method also allows you to delete inaccurate words to give you better efficiency of input. This update will soon be seen in the next update on all Android devices.
Along with the gesture and input method update, the update also have some other new features.
- At the right of the symbol menu they have added digital input panel & emoji panel.
- To delete words quick swipe left
- Adjusting the height of the keyboard window is possible through the setup menu.
- Slide left or right to control the position of the mouse on the space bar.
This new Android input method is there on the Play Store, interested users can download their own experience.