Android Lollipop (v5.0) have a lot of updates on it’s previous version, but many of us are still waiting to get our new Android Lollipop update in our smartphones and tablets. Digging online for new update on Android OS, I came across an update, where I got to know that Google have hired a new team of developers that have start working on the new version Android “M.” i.e. the Android v6.0. I am still struggling to find the name of the new Android version “M”, but  am expecting it can be Android Marshmallow. According to the source, Android M is expected by June 2015 in the Google I/O Conference.

According to MyDrive, “Foreign media reported that Google has embarked on another development team development work codenamed “M” of the system, and this “M” is very likely that Android 6.0 code.”

They have also posted some of the images from AndroidPit that confirms about this news in a discussion.




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