The 2017 flagship for Honor in India was the Honor 8 Pro which came with flagship specifications & great cameras. The device was running on Android Nougat till now & finally Honor is pushing the Android Oreo based EMUI 8.0 update for the device.
The Oreo update carries the build number DUK-L09 & it is around 2.8 Gigabytes in size. This update also includes VoLTE support for Vodafone & Jio users in India.
The Honor 8 Pro is powered by the Kirin 960 so, the experience on EMUI 8.0 won’t be as good as it is in the Honor View 10 but, still there are a few improvements that the EMUI 8.0 brings to the board in general. For example, fast & responsive UI experience.
Apparently, many users have reported that they’re facing a lot a bugs in the Oreo firmware. This bugs include, Camera app mis-functioning, fast Battery Drain & more.
The Face Unlock feature is also missing. Some rumors claim that Honor may add it in a future update but, we’ll have if that really happens cause after Face Unlock was confirmed for both Honor 9 Lite & Honor 7x, everyone expected that in the Honor 8 Pro.
So, if you use the Honor 8 Pro as your daily driver, let us know what is yopur experience with the Oreo Firmware in the comments section below.
Via: Android Authority