In some cases, various companies ask their customers or partners to sign a document called a waiver of liability. This is a legal contract that provides the company with protection against reimbursement in case a person suffers an injury or loss.
This kind of document is often signed by sportsmen or extreme lovers when they participate in some risky physical activities. In this way, the organizers protect themselves from the risks and preserve the finances in case of unpleasant situations. The legal validity of the liability waiver can be disputed in some circumstances – negligence in the preparation of the event, the peculiarities of local law, etc. Therefore, when creating such documents, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and strictly follow the letter of the law.
There is a certain liability waiver form, which should be filled out in a proper manner, otherwise, the document will not be accepted. In some cases, such documents are also required by legislation (depending on the country or state concerned).
How to Draw up a Liability Waiver Form Properly
A liability waiver is a kind of contract between a company and an individual, so the document must be drafted in such a way that it is understood by all parties involved. Before asking a contractor to sign a release of liability form, it is imperative that he reads the content. In order not to mislead the person, the writing of the release of liability form must comply with certain principles:
- The document should spell out all possible risks (natural, negligence, recklessness, etc.).
- All people who may be a party to the action requiring the liability waiver must be named in the document.
- The person signing the document must be informed of the circumstances that may adversely affect him in the future.
- The document should be as complete as possible and reflect all possible nuances, so as not to mislead the signatory (intentionally or unintentionally).
- Not only should the text of the document be clear, but it is recommended to use a large font size, so that the text is easy to read for anyone.
If there are any problems with the creation of a document, you can always turn to authoritative sources. For example, it is possible to find a release from liability template on the PandaDoc service and make changes and additions to it according to your needs. It is convenient to work in it, because the database includes many samples of documents for different cases, and several people can make adjustments simultaneously, even if they are not in the same office.
PandaDoc: the Best Service for Document Management
PandaDoc service was created to help big business and small companies to work with documents. It is user-friendly and can significantly facilitate the work and speed up the document flow inside a company.
This service has a lot of functions which help to work with documents. They include:
- the ability to quickly move a document between different divisions of the company for editing by one or another specialists;
- a large database of forms and templates of documents that you can modify in accordance with your needs;
- the possibility of working with documents jointly;
- access management for employees;
- the ability to sign documents online using an electronic signature, and much more.
To work with documents of legal and other properties, there is a huge database of samples, where you can find any document you need. If something is lacking for work, it can be downloaded from the network, and then used if necessary. For the convenience of working with waiver software, you will find many useful tools. The possibility to work with the documents online jointly will be especially useful.
PandaDoc is a service, which exists not for the first year and has a lot of fans around the world.