How To Enable 32 Bit Architecture On Chromebook

With the release of Android Apps on Chrome OS, users have been able to enjoy more apps in their Chromebooks than ever before.

However, some Android apps require a 32-bit architecture in order to run correctly, and most Chromebooks only have a 64-bit architecture by default, but there’s actually an easy way to enable 32-bit architecture on Chromebooks, enabling you to run those 32-bit Android apps that you love!

Let’s take a look at how to do it!

What Is 32-Bit Architecture?

32-bit architecture is a type of computer architecture that uses 32 bits to store data. It is used by most computers today.

Chromebooks use a different type of architecture called ARM, which is not compatible with most software. Fortunately, there are ways around this limitation.

There are Chrome extensions available in the Chrome Web Store that allow you to run programs designed for the 32-bit architecture.

One example is the VirtualBox Extension Pack. Follow these steps to install it:

There are also full virtual machines available online that can be installed on your Chromebook like WineBottler or Oracle VM VirtualBox (link).

What is 64-bit?

64-bit is a type of computer architecture that has recently become more popular. It is faster and more powerful than 32-bit architecture, which is why many new computers are being made with 64-bit processors.

If you have a 64-bit processor, you can upgrade your Chromebook to enable the 64-bit architecture. You’ll need to go into your Settings menu and find About Chrome OS.

Click More Info and then click Change Channel in the popup window. Choose the channel beta or dev channel, then reboot your device.

The beta or dev channel will allow you to use some advanced features, such as 64-bit support for applications if it’s available for this device type (not all devices support this).

Google often tests out new features on the beta or dev channels first before rolling them out to everyone. So don’t be surprised if something doesn’t work quite right yet—just hang tight!

When you switch to the beta or dev channel, any settings changes you make may not be saved when you switch back.

How To Enable 32 Bit Architecture On Chromebook

Keep in mind that once you’ve switched channels, there’s no way to revert back until a new version of Chrome OS comes out.

How do I enable 32-bit on my Chromebook?

If you want to enable the 32-bit architecture on your Chromebook, you’ll need to do a few things first. Follow these steps and you’ll be up and running in no time

Open Chrome’s shell (Ctrl+Alt+T).

Now type or paste shell (no quotes) into that window and hit Enter. This will give you access to all of Chrome OS’ underlying system files.

In order for support for legacy apps (32-bit ones) to work correctly, there are some additional settings we have to turn on by default.

You can use this command to set them: crossystem dev_boot_legacy=1

Change it so it looks like this: crossystem dev_boot_legacy=1

Press enter and then Ctrl+D to log out. Once logged out, restart your device using CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R key combo. Your device should now boot in Legacy mode!

You’re one step closer to being able to run those old school games from the 90s on your Chromebook. Yay!

Does Chromebook Support 32-bit?

Yes, Chromebook support for 32-bit apps is coming in Chrome OS 73. This will allow you to run more legacy apps and games on your Chromebook.

How To Put Emojis In Chromebook

Here’s how to enable it.

First, you need to be running the developer channel of Chrome OS. You can do this by going to Settings > About Chrome OS > More info > Change channel.

Once you’re on the developer channel, you need to enable a flag in chrome://flags/#enable-nexus-armv7.

Now, reboot your device and when it starts up again, you’ll have the option to select either 64-bit or 32-bit under powerwash options.

Selecting 32-bit will turn off auto updates and set your device back to factory defaults (i.e., deleting all local data).

Reboot your Chromebook and wait 10 minutes before logging back in to complete the process. After 10 minutes, log back into your account and open any app that crashes with a not compatible error message.

It should now work properly! Some older programs may not work as well due to being designed for 32-bit architecture but most should still function as expected.

Note: there is no way to revert the change if you decide you don’t want it later on. If you plan on switching back to 64-bit then please backup any files/data you might want first.

There are also risks involved with switching between architectures so make sure you are aware of what they are before proceeding.

Switching from 64-bit to 32-bit puts your device at risk for software errors because there are some applications that require the use of new hardware features available only in the newer architecture.

And vice versa, switching from 32-bit to 64-bit may lead to incompatibility errors because these devices cannot access certain features required by newer apps.

Be sure you know which one best suits your needs before continuing with the change.

How do you tell if my Chromebook is 32 or 64-bit?

To check if your Chromebook is 32 or 64-bit, follow these steps:

  1. Open Chrome and go to chrome://help.
  2. Under About Google Chrome, look for the Bit field. If it says 64, you have a 64-bit device; if it says 32, you have a 32-bit device.
  3. Close the About Google Chrome tab.
  4. On your keyboard, press Ctrl + Alt + T.
  5. In the box that pops up, type shell.
  6. In the next box that pops up, type sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386.
  7. In the next box that pops up, type sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade.
  8. Restart your Chromebook by pressing Ctrl + D and wait until the reboot is complete.
  9. Reboot again by pressing Ctrl + D.
  10. Check if your Chromebook is now 64-bit using the same process outlined in step one of this tutorial!

Now you’re able to install some of those hard-to-find Linux apps that just don’t work well on the ARM processor found in most modern Chromebooks.

Plus, since many Chromebooks are only made with an x86 chip, this will make it easier to develop Android apps and other programs without relying on an expensive emulator.

Have fun exploring your new hardware!

How to install Crouton and Linux on my Chromebook?

Installing Crouton and Linux on your Chromebook is a great way to get more out of your device.

This guide will show you how to enable the 32 bit architecture on your Chromebook so you can run Crouton and Linux.

  • On your keyboard, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open up a terminal window.
  • In the command prompt, type shell (without quotes).
  • Type sudo crossystem dev_boot_legacy=1 (without quotes).
  • Type exit (without quotes).
  • Restart your Chromebook by pressing Ctrl+D or closing it and turning it back on.

32 Bit Chrome Os Download

You can now easily enable 32 bit architecture on your Chromebook through a simple settings change.

This enables you to run more apps and programs on your device, giving you more flexibility and power. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open Chrome OS Settings by pressing the shortcut keys ctrl+alt+e (command+option+e for Mac).
  • Click Settings in the list of options that appears on the left side of the screen.
  • Click Advanced in the row of icons at the top of the screen.
  • Under System on the right-hand side of the screen, click Click here to toggle between 64-bit and 32-bit.
  • Wait while this is set up.
  • A notification will appear telling you that system support has been enabled for 32-bit computing.
  • Close all browser windows then reopen one to make sure everything is working correctly.

How Do I Open A 32-bit Browser?

How To Enable 32 Bit Architecture On Chromebook

Chromebooks are a type of laptop that runs Google’s ChromeOS. They are designed to be lightweight and easy to use, with most of the applications and data stored in the cloud.

One downside to this is that they can’t run traditional desktop applications, like Photoshop or Microsoft Word.

However, there is a way to enable 32-bit architecture on Chromebooks, which will allow you to run these types of apps.

Here’s how:

  1. Power up your Chromebook and enter chrome://flags into the address bar at the top of your browser.
  2. Scroll down until you find Native Client (32-bit), then click Enable.
  3. A dialog box will pop up, warning you that enabling this feature could break your system. Click Enable.
  4. Restart your computer for changes to take effect.


If you’re looking to install a Linux-based operating system on your Chromebook, you’ll need to enable the device’s built-in support for 32-bit architecture.

All you have to do is open up the Terminal and type crossystem dev_boot_legacy=1 and press enter.

Once you’ve done that, restart your Chromebook and hold down Ctrl+D as it boots up in order to get back into Developer Mode.

When Chrome OS loads, head over to Settings -> Power Management -> Battery Usage and uncheck Show battery status.

Then go back and check Developer mode at the bottom of Settings -> System.

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