Hi guys, this article is going to tell you that how to recover the Keystore password if you forgot in an android studio. Actually, I also faced the same problem earlier, and then I tested a lot of methods from Google to recover Keystore passwords. None of those Keystore password recovery methods didn’t work for me. But this is possible with the help of your own computer system and there is no working tool on the internet that works for that. So, read this post carefully and I will tell you how to recover the android studio Keystore password.


What is Keystore Password?

If you are an Android developer, you know the power and importance of keystore. Actually, if you generate a signed APK to upload on Google Play, you must have a personal key to upload the app on the store. And, when you develop and newer version of the same app, you must engage old keystore in generating new APK and then you can upload apk on Play Store. If you generate with another(new) keystore, your apk would not be uploaded there.  you must have keystore safe and secure for future for the same app.

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What if Keystore Password Doesn’t Recover?

If you forgot your key store password and you don’t have any idea (don’t worry, we have 🙂 ) to recover that, you can not upload a newer version of the app on play store. If you want to upload a newer version of the app, you must unpublish the old app and then you can upload a new version with a new package name. We have tried a lot of methods and then I found that its last option to upload a new APK with a new package name.

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How To Recover Android Studio Keystore Password?

To recover key store password in the Android studio is easy in your own system in which you recently used an android studio with the same keystore. So, let’s start to find the keystore password in your computer or laptop.

Requirements to Recover Android Studio Keystore Password

  • Computer or Laptop in which you generated the older version of APK
  • Access to C drive of the Computer system
  • Notepad or Notepad++

Steps to find Keystore Password in Local Disk C

    1. Open My Computer and go to Drive C.
    2. Go to Users then select your admin user in which you are logged in.


    1. You will get 2-3 folders with the name of Android Studio.


    1. Select your desired folder according to your Android Studio version.

Once you are in right android version folder, You can follow the below mentioned steps to recover the keystore password

  1. Now use System folder.
  2. You will have a long list of folders and find Log folder and open it.
  3. Now, you will get some folders and some files at the same locations (see image). Please select all files and open into Notepad++.

  1. Press CTRL+F and search for injected.signing.store.password in all opened files.
  2. Now, you will get a lot of passwords in Notepad++. Please try all passwords in an android studio and I am 100% sure you will get your password.
  3. Done!

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Last Words About ‘Recover Android Studio Keystore Password’ – So guys, I hope you found your desired password for your android keystore. If you like this keystore password recovery method, please share this method to help them.


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