For all the Samsung Galaxy S6 users, who were waiting for the Android 7.0 Nougat update will get the Android 7.0 by the end of February! Source Confirmed. This update will start rolling soon in the 3rd Week of Feb. Along with the Samsung Galaxy S6, this update will soon hit the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge + and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 device.

Find the below image to see other samsung devices to get Nougat Update. 

The Galaxy S6 Edge + and Note 5 will get the update by the 4th Week of February. What’s more surprising is that the Galaxy J series will get the update by July.

This ensures that Samsung is now focusing more on release Android 7.0 update for the older device so that people could experience Nougat. Along with this update people could experience a better performance and will also improve the battery life of the smartphone.

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