I really feels sad to tell you that OnePlus 3 & OnPlus 3T will not receive the Android 8.0 update. According to Product Department head at OnePlus, Oliver Z said in of his conversations that OnePlus 3 & 3T will not receive any of the Android O update this year. Were all other smartphone has already started testing Android O and will soon launch the new version, whereas the OnePlus users will still have to wait

This is a clear indication for the OnePlus users to wait until this year. There might be a possibility of the phone to receive the Android O next year.  This doesn’t stop the OnePlus users to get other upgrades, but they will surely will miss some major updates on their Smartphone.

I still believe the update to receive, but can’t commit until it is officially been confirmed. At the end, the question remains the same. If yes for Android O, then when?

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